Comedy, a serious affair


Tanmay Bhat is a well-known Indian stand-up comedian, script writer, producer and the co-founder of the popular comedy sketch group AIB. He has earned his fame with his revolutionary take in the comedy world, keeping things real and authentic. He conducted a 5th Veda session with laughter and immense enthusiasm with the students of Whistling Woods International, sharing his journey into the world of stand-up comedy along with his insights on how to pursue a successful career in comedy.


  • Start Early

If comedy is your instinct, a stand-up career is your way to go. The new generation is exposed to the limitless world of pop culture, which makes it even easier to find your focus point. Tanmay tells us how he started early in school, stating “I became funny so that people would like me as I did not like myself for the longest time.” That’s when he discovered his inclination towards comedy.  

  • Keep it honest

Instead of focusing on how to follow the right path, it’s better to start following a career with honesty and love. Tanmay said “The decisions that I made, have never been money or strategy driven. I follow what I am most excited and passionate about.”

  • The art of being professionally funny

“The script is the soul of a comedy act”, Tanmay states as he explains the importance of in-depth research and observation involved behind the creation of a comedy set. He supported his statement by citing examples from his highly recognised roast comedy show – AIB Knockout and his other written works. He advised the students to focus on the aspects of structuring a script, creation of multiple video-breaks and the process of sketch writing.

  • Content is the King

“The content and the flow of the script is what creates the real magic”, Tanmay suggested, stating that it’s a good idea to be strongly opinionated with your words. He also expressed, “One can keep the audience engaged by discussing relatable experiences, sharing nostalgic memories and bringing in a positive ethos.”

  • It’s the story that matters

Tanmay quotes that “Comedy is no longer about a joke, it is about the story.” It’s the stories that we stitch with the right words and feel that makes all the difference. One should reflect their own stories with confidence, using the right medium, and you shall surely be on the right path.


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